Hello folks who wonder if animals could talk the first thing they would do is contact a lawyer and file a lawsuit against humans,

The morning fog clung to the asphalt like a shroud as Mrs. Thompson dropped her son, Jack, off at the high school parking lot. Jack's eyes remained fixed on the ground, avoiding the gaze of his classmates as he made his solitary journey towards the looming brick facade of the school building. The other students seemed to part around him like water around a stone, their laughter and chatter falling silent in his wake.

 As Jack reached his locker, tucked away in a dimly lit corner of the hallway, he fumbled with the combination lock, his hands trembling slightly. With a click, the metal door swung open, revealing the chaos within. Books spilled out onto the floor.

But it was not the scattered textbooks that caught Jack's attention. No, it was the object hidden among them, concealed in the depths of his jacket pocket. Closing his eyes, Jack was transported back to the lunchroom, to the taunts and jeers that echoed in his ears like a haunting refrain. The memories flooded back with startling clarity, each insult a fresh wound on his already battered soul.

But today would be different. Today, Jack would make them pay. With a steely resolve, he tucked the weapon back into his pocket, his hand closing around it like a vice. The bell rang out, signaling the start of another day, but for Jack, it was the beginning of something far more sinister.

In the dimly lit locker room, Jack's heart races as he spots Lucas at the far end. With determination fueling his movements, Jack accelerates, closing the distance between them swiftly, his steps echoing against the tiled floor. Lucas remains oblivious, consumed by the glowing screen of his iPhone, unaware of the imminent danger lurking behind him.

Silently, Jack shadows Lucas, his presence shrouded in the shadows. Lucas, engrossed in the digital realm of TikTok, remains oblivious to the ominous figure trailing him. With a calculated touch, Jack startles Lucas, seizing his attention in a split second before revealing the weapon concealed beneath his jacket.

Lucas's mind struggles to comprehend the sudden turn of events, his fingers frozen mid-swipe on the screen. A deafening silence descends upon the room, broken only by the ominous click of the trigger being pulled. Lucas froze in shock as a torrent of water erupted from Jack's water blaster toy gun, drenching his iPhone in a deluge of liquid. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized his phone was soaked, and he didn't have a bag of rice to try and dry it out. He ran to the teacher, clutching his wet phone, while Jack smirked triumphantly, still gripping the water gun.

What the... what did I just read? Karan, you know people have work to go to on a Tuesday and don't have time for your long stories?

I know, but the point is sometimes, even the most intimidating things can turn out to be surprisingly friendly and easy to approach.

Case in point is, this spider I ran into last week.

This might look like a wolf spider at first glance. But looking at its eyes will reveal the truth.

Faithful readers of the blog might know that wolf spiders have 2 big eyes, while the rest of their eyes are much smaller in comparison. However, this particular spider has all its eyes of the same size, which disqualifies it from being a wolf spider. 

Despite this, the people who gave it its common name thought it resembled a wolf spider, albeit not being one. Thus, they named it the "False Wolf Spider," lacking creativity. Sigh.

This spider despite looking aggressive is a total sweetheart. A walking teddy bear as I like to call it. Alas, most people around me beg to differ. Here is me trying to intimidate it into bearing its jaws. Just holding and squeezing is not enough, I have to put an object in front of its poor vision eyes to bare its teeth jaws.

When a spider captures its prey, it typically wraps it in silk to prevent the prey from escaping or causing harm to the spider. This way, the spider can savor its meal leisurely, as if it has just received a surprise Amazon package delivery.

While we're all familiar with spiders weaving silk from their abdomen, few are fortunate enough to witness the mesmerizing process of a spider "dispensing" its silk, akin to watching ice cream being scooped.

Imagine a seemingly disinterested high school kid working as a scooper at your favorite ice cream parlor. As you order your triple scoop, they move methodically, pushing the lever to dispense the first flavor, then the second, and so on.

Spiders possess distinct spinnerets arranged in pairs at the tip of their abdomen. These spinnerets produce silk threads of varying thickness, serving different purposes – whether spinning a web, capturing prey, creating a dragline, or forming a silken egg sac for their offspring. Below is me "milking" each spinneret, extracting the precious "white gold" also called silk.

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