Hello folks who wonder if both Crocs and cockroaches will survive the nuclear war,

As Labor Day approaches, the nation quietly mourns the lost potential of the now departed summer. The vacations meant to be taken, the diets meant to be followed, the toned body meant to be shown off - these goals now seem but unfulfilled resolutions, pushed off until next summer. It is precisely at this nostalgic time that brands and shops capitalize, trying to sell you stuff for the next season that you won't be able to use for another 6 months. Clearing out summer inventory makes room for fall and winter collections.

It's time for an end-of-summer digital declutter. Just like those summer clearance sales at the mall, I'm looking to clear out the stale inventory gathering virtual dust on my devices. Say goodbye to those lackluster spring and summer stories lingering in my drafts. Consider this a Labor Day sale on my own content - everything must go!

Remember those days when your mom asked you to clean your room, and you had no counter-argument, so you just rolled your eyes? When trees shed leaves, and your yards are covered with leaf litter, the HOA just like your mom intimidates you into using a leaf blower to clear your lawn. Here's why it's a bad idea.

Leaf litter is akin to a protective blanket that helps shield the ground from soil erosion caused by rains and wind. This blanket supports many insects that depend on this habitat for shelter and food. In turn, this supports other animals that rely on these insects hidden under the leaf litter. Here is a classic example: this Bewick's Wren is foraging for insects hidden beneath all that leaf litter.

Below is a video of an Oleander Aphid mom giving birth to her daughter, or trying to.

Here is another species of aphid giving birth. Going through my video collection made me realize how many weekends I've spent trying to capture aphids in the act of giving birth. For the sake of your sanity and mine, I'll stop sharing any more aphid birth videos in this post.

You remember the post about the California Jumping gall wasp? I covered it in the post titled Those who don't jump will never fly. Well, I kept some of those jumping galls in a vial and forgot about it. When I checked it next, they had emerged as Adults. I felt bad since I wasn't there to cheer them during their special moment. Here is one running away from me and won't accept my apology.

Ever seen a fly proboscis up-close? Flies will lap up liquid food very efficiently since they have spongy pads on the proboscis to soak up liquid quick. This proboscis will retract back in the head when not in use.

Sometime back I caught someone doing something they were not supposed to do. Imagine you had a friend who is a hardcore vegan who keeps sharing their dietary preferences along with their pronouns to any stranger who greets them in the elevator. Now, if that same friend was caught wolfing down a chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-A, that would be similar to catching a catholic priest using Tinder app on their phone. That is why, I was stunned when I saw a pill bug/Roly-poly munching on a dead insect instead of decaying plant material and wood mulch that the media led us to believe.

And when I confronted it: it rolled into a ball so it wouldn't have to look me in the eye. Just own up to your actions and act like an adult already. No one wants to grow up these days.

Here is a cool video of a hoverfly warming up its engine before taking off.

Phone in Airplane mode ✓
Seat belt ✓
Engine ✓
Propeller  ✓
Camera taking the video ✓
Cleared for takeoff ✓

Insects have a remarkable ability to quickly right themselves when they are flipped over. They can do this in several ways depending on the species. One technique is swaying their legs aggressively to rock their bodies and then roll over. 

However, the varied carpet beetle I found near my window has given up and seems to have accepted that it will never be able to right itself.

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acorns adventure adventures algae alligator american crow ant cricket ants aphids aquatic snails arachnids argentine ants bananas bark beetles barklice barnacles bats beaver bees beetle beetles bird lice birds black-tailed deer bloodworms bristletail bug bugs bumblebee butterflies calicoflower canada goose cardinal carpenter bees carrots caterpillars cats cave centipede cockroaches common murres coot corvids court case crabs crawfish crayfish cricket crickets crow crustaceans damselflies death deer diatoms dock dogs dragonflies earwigs eggs egrets elephant seals eucalyptus european starlings eyes farallon island ferns fingerprints fishes flea flies floods florida flowers fly freshwater snail frog frogs fundraiser fungus fungus-eating lady beetles galls gannet geckos geese goats goldfinch gophers grasshopper green dock beetle green heron green lacewing guest post gull gulls harvestmen hawks herons hike history honeybees house sparrows india insects isopods jumping bristletails jumping spiders juncos katydid kayak lacewing lady beetles land snails leaf miners leafhopper lice lichens lizard lizards lynx spider maggots Magpie mallow marsh megabats midges mildew millipede mites moles mosquito moths mouse spider nematodes nettles newt newts night nuthatches oaks owl paper wasps parasite part 2 pavement ants pelicans pigeons pill bugs plants pocket gophers pollen pollination pollinators poppy praying mantis pseudopupil puffins pupa quail rabbits rat roach roadkill rove beetles salamander salmon sandpiper scat scorpion Scorpions sea lions sea otters sea urchin seals seeds shorebird shrimp silverfish skunk snails snakes social media solifuges sparrows spider spiders springtails squirrel squirrels starlings stilts stinger sun spiders surf scoter swallows swifts talks tarantula termites thrips ticks towhees trees turkey turkey vulture turtle venom vernal pool vultures warblers wasps water boatmen webspinners whales wildflower wolf spider woodpeckers Wren wrens yellow jackets youtube

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