Hello folks who wonder if electric cars should have cat collar bells to warn inattentive people texting while crossing the road,
Aren't you just fed up with all the movies that sell us a bag of lies and we are gullible enough to believe it EVERY SINGLE TIME. Like how if you keep chasing that one attractive person, they will eventually fall in love with you, except in real life you will be slapped with a restraining order. Or the case of how the creepy looking clown in the movie is the monster that will wreck your life, whereas the true monsters in real life are mostly neatly dressed. But the one that rubs my heart the wrong way is the way they show Spiderman shooting the web using his hand because the protagonist got it from the spider bite which is a BIG FAT (I know I am fat shaming here..deal with it) LIE.
Now, I covered in this post how spiders don't shoot webs out of their arms but instead organs closer to their butt. So how do spiders shoot webs in the wild instead of a bunch of movie magic that has been shoved down our throat?
To observe that, we will follow one type of spider called the jumping spider (which should be everyone's favorite spider by default. Why? This is why!)
You see, jumping spiders can get by just fine by jumping their way around instead of walking. But sometimes they reach the end of the line like on top of a sign post or a picnic table. Sure, they can crawl back or jump the same way they got to the top, but where is the fun in that. So, as soon as it reaches that point, it is faced with making a decision.
Go back the same way or go for an adventure? It looks towards me for advice. "Follow your heart my dear" I reply.
"Ok, I will forgo my spider life and go on to become an Influencer." it comments. No, you dimwit, the social media space is crowded with enough mindless influencers, please go on the adventure instead. Sorry, sometimes these spiders take a toll on my patience, I am working through therapy regarding that, so please keep your judgements to yourself.
So, it raises its abdomen and starts to release a silk thread from its spinneret (an organ that it uses to spin silk).
It will keep on releasing more silk thread till one end sticks to something, be it a nearby tree branch, a person walking their dog or another picnic table. Once that end is stuck, the spider will pull on that thread to check for tension.
It will then tie the other end to where it is currently standing and then it will just crawl over that silk thread to its new destination.
"Best of luck for your adventure. Just don't pursue your dream of being an influencer" I shout. "Because that is what I will pursue next and I could do away with another competitor getting in my way" I mutter under my breath.
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