Hello folks who wonder if turkey vultures look for best after date instead of best before date on their food packaging,

We obsess over beauty. We try to search for it in potential partners, the people we stalk over Instagram, even going the extra mile to find it when we look in the mirror.

That's a ridiculous accusation you might say. I am not one of those people that obsesses over beauty, I just look for character. Alright, name me a handful of local butterflies. That's easy, Monarch, Swallowtails, Common Buckeye, Checkerspot. I am impressed, now let's name some moths. Aah... I just named the butterflies didn't I, isn't that enough?

Butterflies are commonly celebrated in our culture based on the vivid colors they don and because they are active at the time of the day when its bright enough to capture them in beautiful pictures. Moths don't play the same game. First of all, moths don't like the limelight (although they seem to like light, but that's neither here nor there) like their fame obsessed cousins. Secondly, most moths are active at night when most of us are inside our houses bingeing Netflix trying to distract our minds from confronting the mirror of reality.

Since most moths have no need to fly around during the day, they don't need those fancy attires, but something that will keep them out of sight from potential predators or obsessive naturalists. That is why it is always a treat when you find a moth trying to lay low during the day. Check it for yourself, if you can spot one hiding among this leaf litter.

Now let's zoom in to see how well it was able to hide among this Coast Live Oak leaf litter.

This moth is the Large Yellow Underwing and as their name implies, they have distinct colored hindwings which are only visible when it is disturbed or when it takes flight. I poke at it asking which flavor of COVID-19 vaccine it got and it replied with "that's none of your business". "Well, you better keep your mask on then", I retorted.

Speaking of mothers, there is one such mother that you often see but never knew they were such doting mothers.

Next time you see a Pill Bug or Roly-poly scuttling on the ground, pick it up.

And then flip it to expose its belly. If you are lucky, you might get one which has eggs under its belly. 

Pill bugs will carry their eggs under their belly for several months and once the babies hatch, they might even hang on the underside of the mom for several days à la Kangaroos or Opossums.

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