Hello folks who wonder if the only two times your room is uncluttered is when you move in and when you move out,

Don't we all just love to support the underdogs? Who doesn't cherish an upset with a team that barely made the play-offs defeating a team with 10 undefeated seasons record? Who doesn't want to cheer when a mom-and-pop business publicly declares war on an ecommerce giant like Amazon? We all want to hate the lion for attacking and eating the mama deer; for leaving the fawns orphaned.

The pandemic forced a lot of us to get creative to keep ourselves entertained. Whether it was watching reruns of "The office" for the 150th time, cooking more dishes than you could eat, starting fights with loved ones or seeking therapy with famed therapist Dr. Booze.

One of the things I did to make the most of my time was orchestrating Roman gladiator style deathmatches in a mini colosseum, except the fighters were arthropods that were squatting at the corner of my apartment. "The winner gets to live rent free", I declared publicly.

First, let's meet the contenders. On the left is a spider whose velvety gray abdomen reminds people of a mouse, give it up for "Mouse spider". And the other contender on the right is an insect whose silvery, metallic appearance and fish-like shape gives it the name "Silverfish". 

Referee: I want a clean fight between you two. Both fighters ready? Fight! (*bell rings)

Round 1
Jerry: Both the opponents have million years of evolution Luke, that have helped them to prepare for this day. 

Luke: Yes Jerry, especially the silverfish, they are considered the most primitive of insects. Silverfish might look defenseless, but they have lightning-fast reflexes. The mouse spider is nothing to sneeze at either, they are born hunters that like to live the nomad lifestyle and not settle down unlike its other spider cousins who weave web and catch their prey. These spiders will actively hunt their food that crosses its path.

Jerry: Both opponents look pretty defensive, no one wants to make the first move and thus expend valuable energy.

Luke: OOOOO!!! The mouse spider has made the first move, but the silverfish was anticipating it from 500 yards and quickly scooted out of the picture. 

Jerry: Yeah, the spider looked really desperate. The silverfish definitely won this round.

Round 2

Luke: The mouse spider will have to learn from its mistake and try to keep a poker face before making its move.

Jerry: That's right, Luke. Every leap that it ends up not catching its meal will make the silverfish more confident about its moves as the fight progresses and the spider more tired.

Luke: The silverfish is just too quick, by the time it shows up on the spider's radar and the spider blinks, it disappears.

Jerry: Oh, wait a min! I think the mouse spider is playing the classic trick of looking the other way and making the silverfish believe the coast is clear.

Luke: That is a great strategy...

Jerry: OOOOOOOO!!! The spider had nearly gotten the silverfish. It had even caught its tail, but the scales from the silverfish came off thus allowing the silverfish to escape once again. Round 2 once again goes to the Silverfish.

Round 3

Luke: The spider has to try some other tactic, the "I am gonna catch you" tactic is just not working.

Jerry: The silverfish is playing all its cards just right, it knows that the spider will try to pounce on it, so anytime it senses the spider's legs around it, it makes a dart to the other side of this arena.

Luke: Oh, no....the spider is just making a fool of itself. Time after time, it sticks to the same strategy, but the silverfish is just too smart to fall for the same trap.

Jerry: That's right Luke, did you see the jump the silverfish made at the end? The spider is definitely losing steam, with all of its moves getting sluggish after every round.

Luke: That jump was sick!

Round 4

Luke: I am actually pretty impressed by the silverfish's performance today. People consider them pests when they spot a bunch of them darting around their houses.

Jerry: Yeah definitely, I certainly hope people have learnt to appreciate these amazing insects.

Luke: WAIT.. what is the spider up to? He rushed towards the silverfish, but just stopped short. The silverfish was distracted and the spider exploited that moment.

Jerry: The tension in the room is palpable. The silverfish has stopped making any movement. The first one to move loses, that's all I can say.

Luke: Is this a checkmate for the silverfish?

Jerry: OOOOOOO!!! The spider got a little cocky and the silverfish just ran for its life.

Luke: And that is why the game is not won, till the timer is over or your opponent is knocked out.

Jerry: Isn't that what we have seen time and again, one player getting too cocky and the match gets flipped instantly.

Luke: I think the ref should end this fight; it is just getting embarrassing for the mouse spider. Maybe it should practice its hunting skills and ask for a re-match.

Jerry: OH, HERE WE GO! The spider is going for the kill!

Luke: OOH, wrong move! wrong move!

Jerry: You never waste precious moments when a spider is on the prowl.

Luke: Trying to climb a vertical wall is the worst mistake one could make in that moment.

Jerry: IT's OVER!!! IT's OVER!!!

Luke: OH MY LORD! The spider has sunk its jaws on the silverfish.

Jerry: That is game, set and match for the mouse spider, Luke. I don't see how the silverfish can get away now.

Luke: The silverfish was quick on its feet for the entire match, but one, just one bad decision has cost it it's life.

Jerry: I think that's a wrap, Luke.

Luke: I feel bad for you silverfish, you fought valiantly. I will share your story for generations to come.

If you look closely, you can see the scales that came off the silverfish so that the predator couldn't catch it easily. None of that matters now, once those jaws have been sunk into its exoskeleton and the venom is being injected.

Once the prey has been subdued, the spider drags it to a corner so it can have its meal in peace.

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