Hello folks who can't make up their mind whether it is a good thing or a bad thing when a person contracts the COVID-19 virus because they washed their hands for only 19 seconds instead of the recommended 20 seconds,

Imagine you are a social media intern for an airplane company. Your responsibilities include creating posts with new announcements, retweeting brand friendly posts and responding to people who tag the company in their tweets. Let's be honest here for a second, this is not the dream job you thought you had when you landed it. You thought every day would be filled with creating TikTok dance videos and posting pictures of company planes with filters on Instagram. So every day is kind of a drag, but what other option do you have. You really need the money so you can buy yourself the next generation of Apple's wireless earbuds.

One day you figure out that even though you get a 30 min lunch break, there are no restrictions on the number of water/bathroom breaks. So you start taking one every 15 mins and catch on some juicy gossip at the water cooler. Your colleagues tell you a trick to browse your personal social media at work which involves lowering the brightness of your screen which would make it harder for people to see what you are up to. Wow, coming to work every day does not seem that excruciating any more. You do 10 mins of work, 50 mins of slacking off. You start posting quotes like "Do what you love and you'll never work another day in your life" on your Instagram feed. That is till the day, your manager pulls you aside for the reason why you haven't responded to 50+ tweets directed to the company. Oh ooo...

One thing I like to do while in nature is to catch wildlife slacking during their workday. Below are the two instances and their reasoning for slacking off at work.

The first one is a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk who was sitting on a branch of a tree and daydreaming. 

So I started my spiel about why it should concentrate on getting rid of the nuisance wildlife like rats and gophers instead of relaxing during the day. "Can you cut me some slack?" it sighed. Soon after it flew away, I found the actual reason. It was being chased by the mafia of the birding world: crows.

We normally associate Turkey Vultures as the NSA surveillance of the sky. Looking at what everyone is doing from a distance while assuming folks have no idea what it is up to.

So it came as a surprise when I saw it on the ground playing Among Us. Or that is what I thought.

So I walk towards it, to lecture it on how it should manage its time wisely. On seeing me inch closer, it takes off. A definite sign of a guilty conscience.

Turns out I interrupted its meal of a decaying Striped Skunk. Let's not judge what others eat, I am sure there are few people who don't have kind words for your Kale and Quinoa Salad.

You see, Turkey Vultures are like the dogs of the skies, having a nose sensitive enough that it can smell a decaying animal from a mile away. Good thing it can fly on its own, sitting in flights won't be a pleasant experience for these vultures.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this? This was spotted in the South Bay.

Wait, did you say that the tree on the left has a 36-24-36 figure. Sigh, not the answer I was looking for. You see, these are tell tale signs of a beaver in the area. A beaver will gnaw a tree almost all the way and let the wind blow it over. They do it to use the wood for building the dams and also because it is the dentist recommended way to keep their ever growing teeth in shape.

And where there are beaver signs, there has to be a beaver in the area.
Presenting the American Beaver living in our creeks.

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