Hello folks who wonder if the government should give another stimulus check just so everyone can upgrade their wardrobe to the next size after the pandemic ends,

Q. Where can you find wild animals?
A. Forests

Q. Where can you find tame animals?
A. Animal shelters

Q. Where can you find tame humans?
A. Office

Q. Where can you find wild humans?
A. Bars

If you have ever been to a bar before you must have stumbled across this scenario where one person gets a little too drunk and wants to start a fight with anything that moves. You see, alcohol disrupts your decision-making and rational thought process and thus reduces the level of fear and shame. This ends up causing people to make decisions they would typically not make under sober conditions. Additionally, alcohol impairs coordination, balance and reflexes which becomes obvious during a fight.

This Red Swamp Crayfish wanted to pick a fight with me, but I just had to bide time till it slipped on its own throw up.

Q. What is the common theme between Broad-footed Moles, cross-border smugglers and Elon Musk?
A. All of them agree that the best Mexican food is not found at a Taco Bell,
and all of them love building tunnels.

Broad-footed Moles like most Gen Z populations are rarely seen outside their comfort zones interacting with humans in person. These moles will dig tunnels below the surface and forage for small invertebrates like earthworms, slugs and insects. Moles do not have 20-20 vision and hence will depend on their nose as their primary sensory organ by touching it to distinguish different objects and explore their environment. Moles are solitary creatures and that becomes obvious when you take a closer look at them. These creatures depict what would ultimately happen to humans if the hair and nail salons were prohibited from opening for another year since there are very few areas on a mole that are not covered in hair like the nose and the feet.

They have wide forefeet which disqualifies them for a lot of things humans can succeed at.

These wide paddle shaped forefeet allows them to cruise through soil like taking the carpool lane during peak hours. The rear feet are not that gifted and just follow the path the forefeet carve for them. Hence these rear feet are unofficially called the sheep like most simple minded, overzealous followers we see all around us.

It is easy to fall in the trap of assuming that the Western Fence Lizards you often see doing push-ups on top of a boulder or a log is because they are following some influencer on Instagram who posts their gym videos about their fit body. Alas, these fence lizards will do push-ups to attract mates, but can also display that behavior to warn other trespassers who enter their territory that they will be prosecuted, which is the equivalent of "Beware of dog" signs humans hang on their fences.

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