Hello folks who only believe in eating free-range broccoli and kale,

Who doesn't carry backpacks? 
Whether it is a kid going to school, a robber running away from a bank heist, hikers hiking on the Pacific Crest trail to discover what gives them true happiness(Instagram likes and followers is what they usually discover after the trip) or even a random person going to work or getting laid from one(Hey! its COVID season so anything goes).
The problem with backpacks is that once the weight in it becomes significant, you have to counterbalance the additional weight by leaning forward which messes with your back and you complain about back pain even before you reach 25.
So companies came up with frontpacks which allow easier access to gear and also a great way to cover up all the post-COVID belly.

Spiders use the same strategy when carrying their babies.
You see, Wolf spiders will carry their egg sac attached to the bottom of their abdomen wherever they go. Hence it is not a good idea to stomp and squash any mother wolf spider because the egg sac will break open and you will have hundreds of preemies(premature spider babies) running around. And yes, like all proud parents you have met before, these parent spiders will constantly brag about how smart their kids are despite them being merely 2 weeks old.
Below is a wolf spider showing her baby bump.

Longbodied Cellar spiders(Please don't bring up the name daddy long legs, we already discussed it over here) on the other hand will carry all their eggs in front of their mouth wherever they go. They will carry this blackberry looking egg sac until the babies hatch and then demand to watch Paw patrol and Peppa Pig everyday during lunch.

Below is one walking away after I asked it if it is trying to hide behind those eggs for not wearing a face mask. "You are the reason for this economy not recovering and all the lives lost..I hope you sleep well", I shout.

What is a gyroscope?
At first you might visualize it as something along these lines.

Well gyroscopes have many applications but the most relevant to this post is its use in aircraft navigation.
You see before 1920's the only way a pilot would know if they got distracted with playing candy crush on their smartphones and the airplane was spiralling down about to crash when the passengers started to shout in the back. So they started using this instrument called a gyroscope which is used to monitor and control the orientation of the aircraft. This is especially useful when a cloud cover can hinder visibility of the aircraft.

Moths use their antennae as gyroscopic sensors and will use it to orient and stabilize themselves during flight. This use as a gyroscope is great because Moths usually work the night shift and there is not much light to guide it during flight.
Below is an example of a Common-checkered skipper orienting itself in the air before flying away.

And if you did not believe it the first time, here is another Snout Moth depicting the same behavior.

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