Hello folks who wonder if the day will ever come when eating the first slice of bread will be acceptable in society,

Doesn't it annoy you when your family and loved ones who care about your health constantly pester you when you eat drive-thru food for all meals of the day i.e. breakfast, brunch, elevenses, lunch, tea, supper and dinner. One mistake they usually make is using an umbrella term called "junk food" no matter what you are wolfing down your throat. That...right there is super offensive because they fail to distinguish the subtle differences between Wendy's fries and In-And-Out fries. Sure, both are similar in that they both contain a day’s worth of calories but they differ in their thickness, the crunch-to-mush factor and the level of salt to fry ratio.

Now, if you were to just brand everything as "Eew..don't eat that, that's junk food", you just missed out on the subtle differences that make each of these fries unique and failed to appreciate the diversity of french fries we are surrounded by.

Taking a leaf out of that book, one thing that a lot of folks do when they spot some bugs crawling on the soil is dismiss them all as Pill bugs or Roly-polies. What they don't realize is just because they look the same does not make them the same.

Below is what you might see.

So the picture above has a pill bug and a sow bug walking side by side.

Pill bugs(are not insects, why?) or roly-polies are called that because they can roll into a ball when disturbed or threatened. Below is one in action.

The trick to this neat shape transformation is having no protruding tail appendages on its body which allows it to neatly touch its rear end and also because they always eat salads instead of a birthday cake for its birthday. Below is how the rear end looks like for a pill bug or a roly-poly.

Sow bugs(not a true bug, it's an isopod. We discussed it here) look similar to roly-polies or pill bugs but can't roll into a ball like the latter because of their beer bellies. Them struggling to roll into a ball looks similar to how I would struggle to do abdominal crunches at the gym when everyone around is me judging. Below is one trying its best to roll into a ball while an overzealous personal trainer is shouting "Sore today, strong tomorrow!"

The reason for this is partly because they couldn't help themself from eating the pie after devouring an entire turkey during thanksgiving but also because of the tail-like appendages at the rear end of their bodies.

Below is one showing its protruding tail appendages.

These tail appendages are a useful tool to identify different genders in Earwigs.

You see, males and females both have forceps-like pincers at the back, but their shape is what gives away their gender.

Males prefer their drink of choice in mugs hence they have curved pincers while the females are more graceful with the use of a Margarita or wine glass to alleviate their negative feelings. Hence they have a straighter pincer.
Another reason why the males have curved pincers is so that they can fight other males over mating rights.

Using this reference chart, identify the gender of this earwig below.

And this one.

There are many benefits of keeping your house clutter-free. You'll keep dust and other allergens out of your home as well as reduce trip hazards. Don't believe me, then look at this spider who is unfortunate to have a pesky neighbor like me constantly throwing trash in its web and watching the annoyed spider deal with it.

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