Hello folks who got concerned about the fate of all the ice cream when PG&E shut off power across San Francisco Bay Area,
As controversial as it may sound, spiders are not necessarily at your house to avenge the death of their ancestors that you killed 10 years ago.
A majority of spiders do not have good eyesight, that is why you would rarely find them hanging out at one of those MLB games with a beer in hand. That sport is just too long for them to justify not getting distracted and start browsing their Instagram accounts at the game.
Most spiders you will see around have 8 eyes, it's not the number but the pattern of arrangement that matters when you are classifying them to different families.
Next time you spot a spider in your house, don't freak out and look into its eyes while asking for forgiveness for your past sins.
Below is an example of a spider which belongs to the Orbweaver Family (Araneidae). These spiders spin the kind of webs the one you would draw if I would ask you to sketch one in the next minute. They keep their webs pretty clean and organized. You can tell they are the kind of web users that delete their browsing history and clear cookies/cache after every use. These spiders do not have a good eyesight and will rely on vibrations on their webs to tell if a prey has been caught. I have put the eye pattern besides the video to better illustrate the eye arrangement pattern.

Next on the list, we have the a spider which belongs to the Wolf Spider Family(Lycosidae). These spiders do not spend time in making webs because they feel the only way to experience life is to live like a nomad and travel around the world to live in hostels.
These ones have relatively good vision and will use it to ambush prey which is walking in that dark alley trying to take a shortcut just because it thinks saving those 5 mins are worth more than risking its life. The video below shows a wolf spiderling(baby) on top of its mother because it is still a mama's boy.

The one shown below is a spider from the Lynx Spider Family (Oxyopidae). Lynx spiders rely on their eyesight to stalk or chase prey. Do you start seeing a trend here, the spiders with at least a couple of big eyes have better vision than the ones who wear glasses all the time and have similar sized tiny eyes. These spiders are foliage dwellers and it is unlikely you will find one roaming in your house.

Next on this list we have the spider that is fed up of being called Daddy Long legs, they call it "Leg shaming" in this woke era and urge society to call it by the name "Cellar Spider" (Pholcidae). These spiders are most commonly found in the corners of your houses and they don't clean their webs like the Orbweavers, so you can tell if one if living by looking at their messy webs. Yes, they are pretty similar to living with a bunch of guy roommates who have leftover pizza from last week lying on the floor and who don't lift the seat when they pee.
The one in the video is actually guarding its eggs in an egg sac spun using silk.

As controversial as it may sound, spiders are not necessarily at your house to avenge the death of their ancestors that you killed 10 years ago.
A majority of spiders do not have good eyesight, that is why you would rarely find them hanging out at one of those MLB games with a beer in hand. That sport is just too long for them to justify not getting distracted and start browsing their Instagram accounts at the game.
Most spiders you will see around have 8 eyes, it's not the number but the pattern of arrangement that matters when you are classifying them to different families.
Next time you spot a spider in your house, don't freak out and look into its eyes while asking for forgiveness for your past sins.
Below is an example of a spider which belongs to the Orbweaver Family (Araneidae). These spiders spin the kind of webs the one you would draw if I would ask you to sketch one in the next minute. They keep their webs pretty clean and organized. You can tell they are the kind of web users that delete their browsing history and clear cookies/cache after every use. These spiders do not have a good eyesight and will rely on vibrations on their webs to tell if a prey has been caught. I have put the eye pattern besides the video to better illustrate the eye arrangement pattern.

Next on the list, we have the a spider which belongs to the Wolf Spider Family(Lycosidae). These spiders do not spend time in making webs because they feel the only way to experience life is to live like a nomad and travel around the world to live in hostels.
These ones have relatively good vision and will use it to ambush prey which is walking in that dark alley trying to take a shortcut just because it thinks saving those 5 mins are worth more than risking its life. The video below shows a wolf spiderling(baby) on top of its mother because it is still a mama's boy.

The one shown below is a spider from the Lynx Spider Family (Oxyopidae). Lynx spiders rely on their eyesight to stalk or chase prey. Do you start seeing a trend here, the spiders with at least a couple of big eyes have better vision than the ones who wear glasses all the time and have similar sized tiny eyes. These spiders are foliage dwellers and it is unlikely you will find one roaming in your house.

Next on this list we have the spider that is fed up of being called Daddy Long legs, they call it "Leg shaming" in this woke era and urge society to call it by the name "Cellar Spider" (Pholcidae). These spiders are most commonly found in the corners of your houses and they don't clean their webs like the Orbweavers, so you can tell if one if living by looking at their messy webs. Yes, they are pretty similar to living with a bunch of guy roommates who have leftover pizza from last week lying on the floor and who don't lift the seat when they pee.
The one in the video is actually guarding its eggs in an egg sac spun using silk.

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